Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Made the Big Time!!!

My friends know that even though I pretend not to be, I am something of a narcissist. With that in mind, I think that everyone should go to the New York Times (on line) and check out the article that mentions lil ole me.

click here:

Monday, July 2, 2007

Wine Library TV

Unfortunately, Time Magazine beat me to the punch and revealed my newest dark secret.... I, like many others, can now come out of the closet and admit to family, co-workers and friends my addiction. No longer do I need to hid or skulk in the shadows as I hunt for a fix. I can now admit, "MY NAME IS MIKE BRENNAN AND I AM A WINE LIBRARY TV ADDICT".

For anyone, like me, who has an interest in learning about wine and doesn't buy into wine snobbery, please check this out. Every day, more or less, there is a new wine tasting to which we are now all invited. The site is run by Gary Vaynerchuk, who runs his family's business, Wine Library in NJ. ( His irrational and logic-defying love of the NY Jets, hasn't seemed to affect his palate and wine knowledge. I've found that I've agreed with the reviews where I had actually tasted the wines. The Wine Library's prices and selection are both reasonable and impressive. Unfortunately, until the Massachusetts legislature pulls their collective heads out of their asses, you can't buy their wine on-line and ship to MA.

In the past, I have fallen into the "more expensive means better" pitfall. I know this isn't true and my daily fix of Wine Library TV gives me something to think about and makes me think a little more about QPR. Whether your looking for old world wines or new world fruit bombs, WLTV has something for everyone. After a long hiatus, I even started drinking white wine again after 2 recent episodes (one about Reislings, which, if you haven't tried, you really need to).

Bottom line, this site is one of the greatest gems of the wine world. Find it. Subscribe to it. Watch it. Join the revolution. "Because YOU with little bit of me, we're changing the wine world aren't we........"