Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Strangely Silent

I've been strangely silent over the past week or so while trying to figure out how to publish a web site. I own the domain name www.thewinedefender.com and have been playing around with web development software and learning what html and an ftp is. That being said, I have been neglecting my wine drinking, which is a crime. So, after getting complaints from the 2 other people who see this blog, I decided to stop shirking my responsibilities and get back to work.

Coming soon: Reviews of Re-Entry Cabernet (California), Damilano Barolo, and recipes for duck confit and as promised a long time ago, How to Fry a Turkey.


"heymarci" said...

And now a word from your real "Silent" friend in NYC. Haven't visited in a while, but so glad to hear you're back in business. Only wish I were drinking wine, but my throat surgery has put me on the wagon for a while. Looking forward to trying these once I'm back in action.

Anonymous said...

now were talking. Have any favorite glazes for fish. obviously trying to shed some lbs.